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Karen Bespalov
Karen Bespalov

Diver Deep Water Adventures Activation Serial 17

Adapt to the aquatic environment while developing a positive attitude and safe practices around water. Gain basic aquatic skills such as water entry and exit; breath control and submerging; arm and leg actions; floating and gliding on the front and back; and treading in chest-deep water. Due to the number of skills taught in this course, participants may need to repeat this level.

diver deep water adventures activation serial 17

Build on fundamental aquatic skills and swimming strokes such as water entry and exit; breath control and submerging; floating and gliding on the front and back; and treading in chest-deep water. Front crawl, breaststroke, and elementary backstroke are introduced at this level. Learn the skills and concepts to stay safe in and around water and how to help during an aquatic emergency. Due to the number of skills taught in this course, participants may need to repeat this level.

Bobbers (Preschool Aquatics Level 1)Swimmers are familiarized to the aquatic environment and helps them acquire basic aquatic skills such as water entry and exit; breath control and submerging; floating/gliding on the front and back; and treading in chest-deep water. Arm and leg actions are also introduced at this level. Swimmers begin to develop positive attitudes and safe practices around water. Due to the number of skills taught in this course, participants may need to repeat this level.

Floaters (Preschool Aquatics Level 2)Swimmers build on basic swimming skills learned in the Bobbers Series including breath control and submerging; swimming using combined arm and leg actions on the front and back; and treading in shoulder-deep water. Due to the number of skills taught in this course, participants may need to repeat this level.

Strokers 1 (Preschool Aquatics Level 3)Swimmers build on the skills learned in the Bobbers and Floaters levels, with a greater emphasis on swimming on the front and back without assistance and for longer distances. Treading in shoulder-deep water for longer periods of time will also be explored. Water safety concepts are reinforced in this level. Due to the number of skills taught in this course, participants may need to repeat this level.

Strokers 2 (Learn-to-Swim Level 3)Swimmers will focus on stroke development including front crawl and elementary backstroke. Swimmers will be introduced to the scissors and dolphin kicks and will build on the fundamentals of treading water. Diving skills may also be introduced. Participants may also learn rules for headfirst entries and begin to learn to enter the water headfirst from a seated position at the poolside (if the water is at least 9 feet deep where the lessons are taught). Participants who successfully complete this level and who meet the appropriate age requirement may register for Youth 4. This course may be repeated until the child is old enough for Youth Level 4.

Adapt to the aquatic environment while developing a positive attitude and safe practices around water. Gain basic aquatic skills such as water entry and exit; breath control and submerging; arm and leg actions; floating and gliding on the front and back; and treading in chest-deep water. Learn-to-Swim Level 1 skills overlap with the Preschool Bobbers and Floaters skills. Due to the number of skills taught in this course, participants may need to repeat this level.

Swimmers must successfully complete Level 2 as a prerequisite. Focus on expanding the proficiency of previously learned skills by providing additional guided practice. Participants learn and practice survival floating and learn to swim front crawl and elementary backstroke at rudimentary proficiency levels. You introduce the scissors and dolphin kicks and extend the time duration for treading water. Participants also learn rules for headfirst entries and begin to learn to enter the water headfirst from a seated position at poolside (if the water is 9 feet deep where the lessons are taught). As in all levels, new and previously addressed, water safety topics are included. Participants who successfully complete Level 3 have achieved basic water competency in a pool environment. Many of the skills taught in this level are the same skills taught in Preschool Strokers 2. Due to the number of skills taught in this course, participants may need to repeat this level.

Exit Skills Assessment:When participants complete Learn-to-Swim Level 3, they have achieved basic water competency in a pool environment. They are starting to show stroke proficiency in the front crawl and elementary backstroke. They have begun learning the breaststroke and the scissors kicks and can tread water for 1 minute. They demonstrate comfort in deep water and maybe able to enter the water headfirst from both the sitting and the kneeling positions (If the water is at least 9 feet deep where the lessons are taught).

Swimmers must successfully complete Level 3 as a prerequisite. Focus on improvement of aquatic skills and increase endurance by swimming the strokes learned in Level 3 (i.e., front crawl, elementary backstroke) for greater distances and with more advanced proficiency. Participants add arm actions to the previously learned scissors kick and breaststroke kick to perform the rudimentary sidestroke and to learn the breaststroke. Participants also begin to learn the back crawl and butterfly, as well as the basics of performing a simple open turn at a wall. Explore diving skills. Participants learn to enter the water headfirst from a compact and stride position at poolside (if the water is at least 9 feet deep where the lessons are taught). Due to the number of skills taught in this course, participants may need to repeat this level.

Exit Skills Assessment:When participants complete Learn-to-Swim Level 4, they are starting to demonstrate effective and efficient strokes in the front crawl and elementary backstroke. They are starting to show stroke proficiency in the breaststroke, back crawl, butterfly and sidestroke. They can enter the water headfirst from both compact and stride positions (If the water is at least 9 feet deep where the lessons are taught).

Swimmers must successfully complete Level 4 as a prerequisite. Focus on stroke refinement and increase the distance that they will swim for all six strokes: front crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, back crawl, elementary backstroke, and sidestroke. Participants will work on surface dives, flip turns and explore diving skills (if the water is at least 9 feet deep where the lessons are taught). Due to the number of skills taught in this course, participants may need to repeat this level.

Exit Skills Assessment:When participants complete Learn-to-Swim Level 5, they are starting to demonstrate effectiveness and efficiency in all strokes. They are starting to work on endurance through longer swims that require using open and flip turns. They can enter the water using the shallow-angle dive (if the water is at least 9 feet deep where the lessons are taught) and can then continue swimming.


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