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James Cruz
James Cruz

Dhaka Attack Torrent

Jain graduated from the American International School in Dhaka and had joined University of California, Berkeley in 2015.Daughter of a garments manufacturer with business interests in Bangladesh, she was in Dhaka on a vacation when the attack took place.

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On Friday night six heavily armed terrorist entered the upscale cafeteria located in diplomatic area of Gulshan and killed 20 hostages, including an Indian girl Tarushi Jain. The total death toll had reached to 28 which also included two policemen who were killed when the attack started.

Italian Foreign Minister confirmed that nine Italian nationals along with some US nationals and Japanese citizens were killed during the siege. The attackers reportedly asked everyone to recite verses of Quran, and if they failed to do so they were killed.

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Soon after that, they also began taking hostages, mostly the foreigners who were present there. The 12-hour-long siege finally ended after the Bangladeshi president authorised a rescue operation codenamed Operation Thunderbolt, which involved almost every single arm of the Bangladeshi armed forces hierarchy. Seventeen foreigners were killed in the attack, including Indian student Tarishi Jain. Two Bangladeshi police officers were also killed during the siege. This was the first major terror attack on Bangladeshi soil in recent years.

On 10 October 2009, 10 militants belonging to the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) attacked a checkpoint at an army base in Rawalpindi, home to the general headquarters of the Pakistan Army. The first wave of attacks included hurling of grenades by the militants, killing six soldiers including a brigadier and a lieutenant colonel. Five terrorists were killed too. The other militants moved to a building where civilians and security officials were present, taking them hostage, prompting the Pakistan army to launch an operation called Janbaz. The army was successful in flushing out the militants, which included a suicide bomber. One terrorist named Mohammad Aqeel was captured by the Army. Two civilians were killed during the siege that lasted little over a day.

In September 2013, four attackers belonging to the al-Shabaab terrorist group entered the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya and began a shooting spree, hurling grenades and opening fire on visitors. Several visitors, including women and children were trapped inside the mall. The siege, which began on 21 September, lasted for three days when the four terrorists were killed by Kenyan security forces. A total of 67 people were killed during these attacks, including three Indian citizens. The Somalia-based Islamist terror group, al-Shabaab, claimed responsibility for the attack, which it said was in retaliation to Kenyan soldiers entering Somalia, demanding their withdrawal.

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Jihadist violence continued to affect most regions across country. In Sahel region (north), suspected jihadists 12-13 Jan abducted dozens of women and children near Arbinda town (Soum province); authorities 20 Jan announced 66 had been released. Unidentified armed group attack 30 Jan in Falagountou town (Séno province) left at least 12 govt and allied forces, one civilian and 15 assailants dead. Suspected al-Qaeda-affiliated Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims (JNIM) combatants throughout month clashed with volunteer fighters allied with govt forces (VDPs) notably in Centre-East, East and Centre-North regions, with six VDPs and one civilian killed in Rakoengta locality (Bam province) 19 Jan. In Boucle du Mouhoun region (north west), suspected JNIM combatants 2-3 Jan killed at least seven civilians in Sourou and Nayala provinces; attacks by suspected jihadists 19 Jan also killed ten VDPs in Nayala province, and 12 civilians in Banwa province. Nearby in Centre-West region, unidentified assailants 26 Jan killed ten civilians in two attacks in Dassa commune (Sanguié province). In Cascades region further west, suspected JNIM militants 29-30 Jan reportedly killed 15 civilians near Linguekoro village (Comoé province).

Jihadist attacks continued in Far North, particularly in Mayo-Tsanaga division. Suspected Boko Haram (JAS) or Islamic State West Africa Province militants 1 Jan attacked Zeneme military outpost, injuring soldier; 3 Jan ambushed Multinational Joint Task Force in Djeneme area of Mozogo commune, injuring two; 11 Jan reportedly killed at least one civilian in Dingliding area; and 22 Jan killed two civilians and one soldier in Nguetchéwé locality (all Mayo-Tsanaga).

Rebel groups reinforced presence around main towns in west. In Nana-Mambéré prefecture, CPC 21 and 24 Jan launched major attacks on army positions in Béloko and Besson towns, with several dead; unidentified gunmen 7 Jan attacked security forces in Yenga village near Bouar town, leaving two soldiers dead and one missing. In Mambéré-Kadei prefecture, 3R rebel group (which is part of CPC) 2 Jan attacked mining site near Abba town, killing one miner; 12 Jan killed one soldier and wounded another in raid on army positions in same area.

Al-Shabaab launched new attacks in east along border with Somalia. In Garissa county, explosive device likely planted by Al-Shabaab combatants 11 Jan killed four road workers between Garissa and Bura towns, while security forces 18 Jan killed ten suspected Al-Shabaab militants in Galmagalla village.

Jihadist attacks continued including in southern region. Al-Qaeda-affiliated Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims (JNIM) 2 Jan launched simultaneous attacks in southern Koulikoro region, killing two people in Kassela village (20km from Bamako) and another five in Markacoungo town (80km from Bamako). Also in Koulikoro, JNIM 15 Jan reportedly ambushed armed forces near Kolokani village, killing five soldiers while also losing 15 combatants. In centre, JNIM 10 Jan launched twin attacks on govt forces between Dia and Diafarabé towns (Mopti region), and Koumara and Macina towns (Koulikoro and Ségou regions, respectively); 14 soldiers and 31 jihadists reportedly killed. Meanwhile, in Ménaka region further north, Islamic State Sahel Province (IS-Sahel) militants targeted civilians, notably killing eight people in Inagam and Assakereye villages 5 Jan.

Islamic State continued driving insecurity in Tillabery region in south west. Govt forces 8 Jan reportedly killed four suspected Islamic State Sahel Province (IS-Sahel) fighters and arrested another three near Taroum town (Ouallam department), also losing two soldiers; 18 Jan reportedly killed 11 suspected jihadists and detained another six near Doulgou village (Gotheye department), with local sources alleging unknown number of those killed were Fulani civilians. Suspected IS-Sahel elements 10 Jan killed two civilians near Téra town (Téra department); 12 Jan attacked Doukou Koira Tegui village (Tillabery department), killing two and wounding seven residents.

Fighting in Upper Nile decreased, but violence spread elsewhere amid dry season. In Jonglei state, Lou Nuer and Bor Dinka armed groups 30 Dec-2 Jan attacked Likuangole town of Greater Pibor Administrative Area; suspected cattle raiders from Murle ethnic group early Jan attacked several villages in Uror and Duk counties, leaving dozens dead. In disputed Abyei Administrative Area, armed Nuer and Dinka Twic youths 2 Jan attacked Rumamer village, killing 13. In Warrap state, Dinka youths from Rumbek North 10 Jan killed five Dinka civilians in Tonj East village; suspected armed youth from Abyei and Unity state 27 Jan raided cattle camp in Twic county, killing at least 16. In oil-rich Ruweng Special Administrative Area, clashes 7 Jan broke out between national security forces guarding oil fields and cattle herders from Unity state, killing three. Meanwhile, hostilities in Upper Nile de-escalated.

Suspected al-Qaeda-affiliated Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims (JNIM) militants launched explosive device attacks in Kpendjal prefecture of Savanes region, reportedly killing at least three soldiers near Tiwoli village 2 Jan and injuring four others near Boatou village 18 Jan.


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