Kaleafornia Hairomatherapy Vegan HaircareJan 75 min readThe One & Only HAIRomatherapy CandleThe One and Only All-Natural Hairomatherapy Candle: A Revolution in Hair Care In a world saturated with synthetic ingredients and...
Kaleafornia Hairomatherapy Vegan HaircareApr 20, 20221 min readABOUT KALEAFORNIA HAIROMATHERAPYKaleafornia Hairomatherapy was established in 2005 with TWO missions: to offer a high-quality 100% Vegan Haircare option for those in...
Kaleafornia Hairomatherapy Vegan HaircareOct 15, 20201 min readVITILIGOLD NEWS: 99 Problems... 1% Ain't One!VITILIGOLD NEWS: Living With Vitiligo #VitiliGOLD is all about living your life with vitiligo like it's Golden! People will stare anyway...