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Karen Bespalov
Karen Bespalov

The Secret of the Soul: How to Have Out-of-Body Experiences and Discover Your True Nature by William Buhlman

William Buhlman: The Secret of the Soul PDF Download

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond your physical body? Have you ever dreamed of flying, visiting other worlds, or meeting your deceased loved ones? Have you ever felt a sudden jolt or vibration in your body when you are falling asleep or waking up? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in learning more about out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and how they can enrich your life.

william buhlman the secret of the soul pdf download


In this article, we will introduce you to one of the most influential and respected authors and teachers on the subject of OBEs: William Buhlman. We will also give you an overview of his best-selling book, The Secret of the Soul, which is a comprehensive guide to understanding and exploring the fascinating phenomenon of OBEs. Finally, we will explain why you should read this book and how it can help you achieve your personal and spiritual goals.

Who is William Buhlman?

William Buhlman is a leading expert on out-of-body experiences and astral projection. He has over 40 years of personal experience in this field and has conducted extensive research on the subject. He has also taught thousands of people worldwide how to have safe and controlled OBEs through his workshops, books, audio programs, and online courses.

Buhlman is the author of four books on OBEs: Adventures Beyond the Body, The Secret of the Soul, Adventures in the Afterlife, and Higher Self Now. He is also the co-founder and president of The Monroe Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to exploring human consciousness and expanding human potential.

What is The Secret of the Soul?

The Secret of the Soul is Buhlman's second book, published in 2001. It is a practical and comprehensive guide to understanding and exploring out-of-body experiences. It covers topics such as:

  • The nature and purpose of OBEs

  • The benefits and applications of OBEs

  • The techniques and methods of inducing OBEs

  • The challenges and solutions of OBEs

  • The experiences and insights gained from OBEs

  • The relationship between OBEs and near-death experiences (NDEs)

  • The implications and consequences of OBEs for our personal and spiritual evolution

The book is based on Buhlman's own experiences as well as the testimonies and reports of hundreds of other OBE practitioners. It also includes exercises, tips, and resources to help readers prepare for their own OBE adventures.

Why should you read this book?

If you are curious about OBEs or want to have one yourself, this book is a must-read. It will give you a solid foundation of knowledge and skills to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. It will also answer many questions that you might have about OBEs, such as:

  • What are OBEs and how do they differ from dreams and lucid dreams?

  • What are the benefits and risks of OBEs?

  • How can I induce an OBE and what are the best techniques to use?

  • What can I expect to see and do during an OBE?

  • How can I overcome fear, doubt, and other obstacles that prevent me from having an OBE?

  • How can I use OBEs to enhance my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being?

  • What are the implications of OBEs for my personal identity, destiny, and reality?

By reading this book, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your true nature as a multidimensional being. You will also discover the unlimited potential and possibilities that await you beyond your physical body.

Main Body

The benefits of out-of-body experiences

One of the main reasons why people are interested in OBEs is because they offer many benefits and advantages that are not available in the physical world. Some of these benefits are:

Spiritual growth

OBEs can help you expand your awareness and consciousness beyond the limitations of your physical senses and mind. You can explore the higher dimensions of reality, where you can encounter spiritual guides, angels, masters, and other enlightened beings. You can also access the Akashic records, which are the universal library of all knowledge and information. You can learn about your past lives, your soul purpose, your karmic lessons, and your future potentials. You can also experience the oneness and love that pervades all creation.

Healing and wellness

OBEs can help you heal and improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. You can use OBEs to diagnose and treat any illness or injury that affects your body or mind. You can also use OBEs to release any negative emotions, traumas, fears, or beliefs that hinder your happiness and well-being. You can also use OBEs to recharge your energy, revitalize your cells, and rejuvenate your appearance.

Personal empowerment

OBEs can help you develop and enhance your personal skills and abilities. You can use OBEs to access your subconscious mind, where you can reprogram your habits, behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs. You can also use OBEs to tap into your intuition, creativity, intelligence, memory, and psychic abilities. You can also use OBEs to manifest your desires, goals, and dreams into reality.

The techniques of out-of-body exploration

There are many ways to induce an OBE, but they all share some common elements. These elements are:

  • A relaxed state of body and mind

  • A clear intention to have an OBE

  • A focused attention on a specific technique or method

  • A detachment from physical sensations and thoughts

  • A recognition of the signs of separation from the body

  • A smooth exit from the body

  • A stabilization of the out-of-body state

In his book, Buhlman describes three basic techniques that he has found to be effective and easy to use for most people. These techniques are:

The target technique

This technique involves choosing a specific location or object that you want to visit or see during your OBE. It can be anything that you are familiar with or interested in, such as a room in your house, a place in nature, a person you know, or a symbol or image that represents something meaningful to you.

The steps of this technique are:

  • Relax your body and mind by using any method that works for you, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, or hypnosis.

  • Set a clear intention to have an OBE and visit or see your chosen target.

  • Focus your attention on your target by visualizing it in as much detail as possible. Use all your senses to imagine how it looks, sounds, smells, feels, and tastes.

  • Repeat a short affirmation or mantra that reinforces your intention to have an OBE and visit or see your target. For example: "I am now out of my body and at (target)."

  • Ignore any physical sensations or thoughts that might distract you from your target. If you notice them, simply return your attention to your target.

  • When you feel a sudden jolt or vibration in your body or hear a loud sound or voice in your head, this means that you are ready to separate from your body.

out of your body by using your willpower or by imagining that you are floating, rolling, or sliding out of your body.

  • Once you are out of your body, confirm that you are in the out-of-body state by looking at your hands or feet, or by performing a reality check, such as trying to fly, walk through a wall, or change your appearance.

  • Stabilize the out-of-body state by rubbing your hands together, spinning around, or shouting "clarity now!" This will prevent you from returning to your body prematurely or losing lucidity.

  • Go to your target by using your willpower or by imagining that you are there. You can also use a method of transportation, such as flying, teleporting, or using a portal.

  • Enjoy your OBE and explore your target as much as you want. You can also change your target or visit other places if you wish.

  • When you want to return to your body, simply think of your body or say "return now." You will instantly return to your body and wake up.

The affirmation technique

This technique involves repeating a positive statement that expresses your desire and expectation to have an OBE. It can be any phrase that resonates with you and motivates you to have an OBE. For example: "I am now out of my body and free to explore."

The steps of this technique are:

  • Relax your body and mind by using any method that works for you, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, or hypnosis.

  • Set a clear intention to have an OBE and explore the non-physical reality.

  • Focus your attention on your affirmation by repeating it silently or aloud in a confident and enthusiastic tone. You can also write it down or record it and play it back to yourself.

  • Ignore any physical sensations or thoughts that might distract you from your affirmation. If you notice them, simply return your attention to your affirmation.

  • When you feel a sudden jolt or vibration in your body or hear a loud sound or voice in your head, this means that you are ready to separate from your body.

  • Gently lift yourself out of your body by using your willpower or by imagining that you are floating, rolling, or sliding out of your body.

  • Once you are out of your body, confirm that you are in the out-of-body state by looking at your hands or feet, or by performing a reality check, such as trying to fly, walk through a wall, or change your appearance.

  • Stabilize the out-of-body state by rubbing your hands together, spinning around, or shouting "clarity now!" This will prevent you from returning to your body prematurely or losing lucidity.

  • Go wherever you want to go by using your willpower or by imagining that you are there. You can also use a method of transportation, such as flying, teleporting, or using a portal.

  • Enjoy your OBE and explore the non-physical reality as much as you want. You can also set a specific goal or intention for your OBE, such as meeting a guide, visiting a loved one, learning something new, or having fun.

  • When you want to return to your body, simply think of your body or say "return now." You will instantly return to your body and wake up.

The visualization technique

This technique involves creating a vivid mental image of yourself being out of your body and doing something that you would like to do during an OBE. It can be anything that excites you and makes you happy, such as flying in the sky, swimming in the ocean, walking on the moon, or meeting someone special.

The steps of this technique are:

  • Relax your body and mind by using any method that works for you, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, or hypnosis.

  • Set a clear intention to have an OBE and do what you have visualized.

your senses to imagine how it looks, sounds, smells, feels, and tastes.

  • Repeat a short affirmation or mantra that reinforces your intention to have an OBE and do what you have visualized. For example: "I am now out of my body and (doing what you have visualized)."

  • Ignore any physical sensations or thoughts that might distract you from your visualization. If you notice them, simply return your attention to your visualization.

  • When you feel a sudden jolt or vibration in your body or hear a loud sound or voice in your head, this means that you are ready to separate from your body.

  • Gently lift yourself out of your body by using your willpower or by imagining that you are floating, rolling, or sliding out of your body.

  • Once you are out of your body, confirm that you are in the out-of-body state by looking at your hands or feet, or by performing a reality check, such as trying to fly, walk through a wall, or change your appearance.

  • Stabilize the out-of-body state by rubbing your hands together, spinning around, or shouting "clarity now!" This will prevent you from returning to your body prematurely or losing lucidity.

  • Do what you have visualized by using your willpower or by imagining that you are doing it. You can also use a method of transportation, such as flying, teleporting, or using a portal.

  • Enjoy your OBE and do what you have visualized as much as you want. You can also change your visualization or do something else if you wish.

  • When you want to return to your body, simply think of your body or say "return now." You will instantly return to your body and wake up.

The challenges and solutions of out-of-body travel

Although OBEs are natural and safe experiences that anyone can have, they are not always easy and effortless. There are some challenges and difficulties that might arise during OBEs and prevent you from having a successful and enjoyable experience. Some of these challenges are:

Fear and doubt

Fear and doubt are the most common and powerful obstacles that can stop you from having an OBE. You might be afraid of losing control, getting lost, encountering negative entities, dying, or going insane. You might also doubt your ability to have an OBE, the reality of the experience, or the validity of the information you receive.

The solution to fear and doubt is to educate yourself about OBEs and their benefits. Read books, watch videos, listen to podcasts, or join online forums that provide reliable and positive information about OBEs. Learn from the experiences and advice of other OBE practitioners who have overcome their fear and doubt. Also, practice positive affirmations and visualizations that boost your confidence and motivation to have an OBE.

Distractions and interruptions

Distractions and interruptions are external factors that can disrupt your concentration and relaxation when you are trying to induce an OBE. They can be anything that makes noise, movement, or light in your environment, such as people, pets, phones, TVs, radios, cars, planes, etc.

eye masks, or headphones to block out any external stimuli. Also, inform your family, friends, or roommates that you do not want to be disturbed while you are practicing OBEs.

Returning and remembering

Returning and remembering are internal factors that can affect the quality and duration of your OBE. You might return to your body too soon or too late, or you might not remember what you did or saw during your OBE. This can make you feel frustrated, disappointed, or confused.

The solution to returning and remembering is to set a clear intention and a timer for your OBE. Decide how long you want to stay out of your body and what you want to do or see during your OBE. Use a timer or an alarm clock to remind you when it is time to return to your body. Also, keep a journal or a recorder near your bed and write down or record everything you can remember as soon as you wake up. This will help you improve your memory and recall of your OBE.


In conclusion, OBEs are amazing and rewarding experiences that can help you discover more about yourself and the universe. They can also help you improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being. However, OBEs are not always easy and effortless. They require some preparation, practice, and perseverance.

Summary of the main points

Here are the main points that we have covered in this article:

  • OBEs are natural and safe experiences that anyone can have.

  • OBEs offer many benefits and advantages that are not available in the physical world.

  • OBEs can be induced by using various techniques and methods that involve relaxation, intention, focus, detachment, recognition, exit, stabilization, and exploration.

  • OBEs can also be challenged by various difficulties and obstacles that involve fear, doubt, distractions, interruptions, returning, and remembering.

Call to action

If you are interested in learning more about OBEs and how to have them yourself, we recommend that you read William Buhlman's book The Secret of the Soul. It is a practical and comprehensive guide that will teach you everything you need to know about OBEs and how to use them for your personal and spiritual growth.

You can download the PDF version of the book for free by clicking on the link below:

William Buhlman: The Secret of the Soul PDF Download


Here are some frequently asked questions about OBEs and their answers:

  • Q: Are OBEs real or just hallucinations?

  • A: OBEs are real experiences that occur when your consciousness separates from your physical body and travels to other dimensions of reality. They are not hallucinations or fantasies that occur in your brain or imagination. You can verify the reality of your OBE by comparing what you see and do during your OBE with what is happening in the physical world or by visiting places or people that you have never seen before.

  • Q: Are OBEs dangerous or harmful?

  • A: OBEs are not dangerous or harmful to your body or soul. You cannot get lost, trapped, possessed, or killed during an OBE. You are always connected to your body by a silver cord that cannot be broken or severed by anyone or anything. You can always return to your body whenever you want or need to. You are also protected by your higher self and your guides who will not let anything bad happen to you during an OBE.

  • Q: How often can I have an OBE?

or emotions, or your family, friends, or work while pursuing OBEs. Also, do not become addicted or obsessed with OBEs or use them as a means of escape or avoidance from your physical problems or challenges.

  • Q: What can I do to improve my OBE skills and abilities?

  • A: You can improve your OBE skills and abilities by practicing regularly and consistently. The more you practice, the more you will learn and improve. You can also read books, watch videos, listen to podcasts, or join online forums that provide reliable and positive information and guidance about OBEs. You can also attend workshops, courses, or retreats that teach you how to have OBEs and how to use them for your personal and spiritual growth.

  • Q: What are some of the best resources for learning more about OBEs?

  • A: Some of the best resources for learning more about OBEs are:

  • The Monroe Institute: A non-profit organization that offers various programs and services that help you explore human consciousness and expand human potential. They also offer online courses and workshops on OBEs and other topics related to consciousness.

  • Astral Dynamics: A website and blog by Robert Bruce, a renowned author and teacher on OBEs and astral projection. He also offers online courses and workshops on OBEs and other topics related to energy work and psychic development.

  • Astral Club: A YouTube channel by Rick Stack, a veteran OBE practitioner and instructor who shares his experiences and insights on OBEs and other topics related to metaphysics and spirituality.

  • The Phase: A website and book by Michael Raduga, a researcher and founder of the Phase Research Center. He also offers online courses and workshops on OBEs and other topics related to lucid dreaming and the phase state.



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